AWARE demonstrates potential renewable energy resource available from ocean waves over Indian Ocean region. The product is based on observations of the recent altimeters Jason-2 (2008-2014) and SARAL/Altika (2013-2014). It is particularly helpful in identification of ocean hotspots for extraction of ocean wave energy, that can be the next generation, environment friendly energy resource.It provides two types of products: Inter-annual monthly product from Jason-2 and SARAL/ALTIKA, Monthly climatology of ocean wave energy.
Data Access
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Data Version
- Version 1.0 (beta)
Data Sources
- The significant wave height (SWH) and wind speed for both the altimeters are taken from
- Jason-2 (http://www.aviso.oceanobs.com)
- SARAL/ALTIKA (http://www.mosdac.gov.in)
Processing Steps
- Using Significant Wave Height (SWH) and wind speed, the wave period is derived based on the data adaptive technique of " Genetic Algorithm " (Remya et al. 2011)
- Wave period hence derived is validated using buoy observations from Indian National Center for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS)
- Wave power is derived based on SWH and estimated wave period
- R. Govindan, R. Kumar, S. Basu and A. Sarkar. " Altimeter-Derived Ocean Wave Period Using Genetic Algorithm, " IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett.,VOL 8.NO. 2,pp. 354 - 358, March 2011
- A. Alvarez, A.Orfila , J.Tintore, " DARWIN: An evolutionary program for nonlinear modeling of chaotic time series, " Computer Physics Communications 136, pp.334- 349 2001
- A. Soni, " Application of SARAL/AltiKa in extraction of wave power over Indian Ocean Region, " M. Tech Dissertation, Department of Computer Sciences, Ganpat University, Gujarat, March 2015
Derivation Techniques and Algorithm
- The wave power (P) is mathematically derived as
- Where
- P is Wave power per unit of wave-crest length (in Kilowatt/m)
- R represents the satellite range
- Hm0 is the significant wave height (in meters)
- T is wave period (in seconds)
- ρ is the density of water (in kilogram/cubic meter)
- g is the acceleration due to gravity (in meters/square seconds)
- The products have gaps as they are based purely on track altimeters data.
Known problems with data
- Data problems due to bad weather (heavy rain)
File Naming Convention
- For inter-annual monthly product from Jason-2 and SARAL/ALTIKA
- Parametername_Altimetername_month_year
- Example: WE_SARL_JUL_2009 represents the wave energy from SARAL/Altika during July 2009.
- For Monthly climatology of ocean wave energy
- Parametername_CLIM_month_start year-end year
- Example: WE_CLIM_JUL_2008-2014 represents the wave energy climatology during July 2008-2014.
Sr. No | Core Metadata Elements | Definition | ||
1 | Metadata language | English | ||
2 | Metadata Contact | MOSDAC | ||
3 | Metadata date | August 3rd ,2015 | ||
4 | Data Lineage | Wave power in Kilowatt/meter from Altimeters over Indian Ocean Region | ||
5 | Title | Altimeters for Wave based Renewable Energy (AWARE) | ||
6 | Abstract | The wave power is computed from the altimeters (Jason-2 and SARAL/AltiKa) for a period of 2008-2014 at a monthly basis for individual years. Climatology is also prepared in this regard for the Indian Ocean Region. | ||
7 | Dataset Contact |
n |
8 | Update frequency | Yearly Once | ||
9 | Access Rights or Restriction | Open Access | ||
10 | Spatial Resolution | NA | ||
11 | Language | English | ||
12 | Topic Category | Water power estimates | ||
13 | Keywords | Wave power, non-conventional energy, wave period and Significant Wave Height | ||
14 | Data period | 2008-2014 | ||
15 | Responsible Party | Dr. Suchandra A. Bhowmick,Space Applications Centre, ISRO, Ahmedabad-380058,INDIA | ||
16 | Organization | Space Applications Centre (ISRO), Ahmedabad, India | ||
16a | Org. role | Estimation of non-conventional wave energy using active microwave remote sensing instruments | ||
16b | Unit | Kilowatt/meter |